Human health first...
Manufacturing beauty and care products is a service that we can produce thousands of alternatives and offer to the world. The governance model we have developed uniquely allows all our employees to better understand the success role they play within the company. We are constantly researching to become better at our job.
We organize the workflow of every project we work on and make sure that all our employees, including the project team, stick to this process. We preserve the research and development experience and clinical studies of our project partners who supply multinational raw materials as important values within our R&D department, and we carry out the protection and maintenance-sustainable content analyzes of the formulations we develop in AKS laboratories. Our R&D investments are increasing day by year.
We are growing with the aim of taking our understanding of skill development and innovation to the next level every day, by applying certification programs in accordance with our legislation with global business services and within our governance model with the training we receive. Our manufacturing organization is created to support our growth capacity. Our export network combines a local focus aimed at winning with consumers and retail customers in every country in which we operate.
• Our international organization department is responsible for innovation and profitability by focusing on our consumers and brands in the countries where we operate.
• Our Market Development Organization undertakes the task of getting to know consumers and retailers in the countries where we operate and transferring the innovations to their own markets.
• Our international services provide business support services at the lowest cost, leveraging AKS' skills and expert partners.
• Our Corporate Communications department provides sustainable corporate innovation and skills development opportunities.
Thanks to this strong company structure, we can announce our innovations to our project partners in the countries where we operate, achieve better market control, and achieve great savings thanks to external partnerships. We strive to be the most preferred brand and the industry leader of our sector in terms of many leadership criteria, including strong business execution systems, innovative marketing programs and many of the products we manufacture.
Your satisfaction is our most valuable gain.